Mazarani Gas Field

Mazarani Gas Field

Located in District Kamber-Shahdadkot in Sindh, Mazarani Gas Field (MGF) was discovered in 1959 but lay dormant for almost 30 years owing to low gas demand. The field is a joint venture between Pakistan Petroleum Limited and Government Holdings (Private) Limited.

During 2002 – 2003, the field was developed and a Gas Processing Facility was installed for supply of gas to SSGCL network located near Miro Khan through a 75-km gas transmission pipeline laid by the company for the project. Commercial production from the field began in June 2003. 

A total of six wells have so far been drilled in MGF, of which currently four are producing.



PPL Working Interest

87.5 percent

Daily Average Production

2.2 MMscfd gas;  ~6 bpd condensate *

Producing Wells


Daily production figures are averaged for 2022-23