Mother and Childcare Centre, Kandhkot
Like other areas in interior Sindh, Kandhkot lacks adequate quality healthcare facilities, particularly for women. As a result, women who are unable to afford treatment at distant healthcare facilities, tend to suffer from ailments which can otherwise be treated successfully.
Since commencement of its commercial operations in Kandhkot during the mid 1980s PPL has supported initiatives to improve healthcare for local communities, especially women, in the area. To this end, PPL established a Mother and Childcare Centre (MCH) at Kandhkot in 1991. Due to growing need to accommodate more patients at MCH, an additional room was constructed in 1995.
Later, in 2006, District Government Kashmore decided to expand the facility due to increasing patient traffic from Kandhkot town and adjacent areas and requested PPL for support. As part of MCH’s extension, the company has constructed a new ward, operation theatre and recovery room.