Adhi Field

Adhi Field is a joint venture (JV) between PPL as operator, Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) and Pakistan Oilfields Limited (POL), with working interest of 39, 50 and 11 percent, respectively. Field is located about 70 km south of Islamabad in the Pothwar region.
Exploration at Adhi began in 1956 and continued for a decade during which four wells were drilled. But all of them were abandoned due to insurmountable high pressure formation water inflows and subsurface complications.
In 1976, a seismic survey was carried out that led to the drilling of Adhi 5, a discovery well, in 1978, proving the presence of hydrocarbons.
Crude oil production from the field commenced in early 1980’s from Sakesar reservoir. Other two reservoirs discovered were Tobra & Khewra bearing gas/ condensate. Adhi was declared a commercial discovery in June 1984. However, production from Sakesar was suspended in 1986 due to excessive water in produced crude. Subsequently, field was developed on Tobra/ Khewra reservoir and an LPG/ NGL plant (Adhi Plant-I) was installed and commissioned in January 1991. An early production facility was also installed between 2002 and 2003 to obtain production from Sakesar wells.
Following the 3D seismic survey in 1998, indicating additional oil and gas potential, a re-evaluation of reserves was undertaken which predicted increased recoverable reserves in Khewra and Tobra reservoirs. As a result, five additional wells were drilled.
The existing LPG/ NGL recovery facilities were enhanced by installing another plant (Adhi Plant-II) of a similar capacity which was commissioned in September 2006, doubling production from the field.
A Compositional Reservoir Study was conducted in 2011, based on which further development is being carried out. As a result of this study, Adhi Plant-III, a processing facility with capacity of 30 MMScfd gas along with 125 tons of LPG was also installed and formally inaugurated in January, 2016.
Based on 3D seismic data, Adhi South X-1, exploratory well, was successfully drilled resulting in Discovery in March 2018. This discovery lies in the Southern down thrown block and has added additional reserves to Adhi.
In order to minimize production decline rate, a Field Compression facility with 5 Nodal Compressors was installed and commissioned in September 2020.
To date, a total of 38 wells have been drilled in Adhi, including recently drilled well Adhi South-2 & South-3, of which 29 wells are currently on production from Tobra-Khewra reservior and 2 wells with dual completion from the Tobra-Khewra and Sakesar formations.
Adhi's major clients are SNGPL for gas, Attock Refinery Limited for NGL / crude oil and various LPG marketing companies.
Discovery |
1978 |
PPL Working Interest |
39 percent |
Daily Average Production |
53 MMscf gas; 8,025 bbl oil/NGL; 216 tonnes LPG* |
Producing Wells |
31 |
*Daily production figures are averaged for 3 months from July 2021 to September 2021